
时间:2024年7月29-31日 地点:上海世博展览馆(H2馆)


BoreA Canada

BoreA Canada uses steam distillation to extract essential oil from the natural resources of the boreal forest in the region of Eeyou Istchee
James Bay, Nord-du-Québec, Canada. Our respect for nature and the ecological distillation process that we use to allow us to offer organic products that are unique, innovative and of high quality.

BoreA Canada 位於加拿大魁北克省之北方寒帶森林,具備豐富原始天然森林資源。植物採收及蒸餾建立在尊重森林自然生態保護理念,並結合綠色環保低碳技術下進行。擁有嚴格生產流程控管規範,以維持生態平衡發展為目標,使精油保持在最高品質及穩定基礎上。